ENFI Member (Italian National Feline Body) - Authorised by the Italian Ministry to issue pedigrees for purebred cats


 FIFé registered Cattery

(Féderation International Féline)

Siamese cat Cattery

Demogorgon +39 3457007372









©2021 by Demogorgon

Demogorgon :

Siamese cattery in Florence


We are siamese if you please,

we are siamese if you don't please


My cattery

Hello everyone, my name is Davide and I breed Siamese cats.

My first purebred cat was a Persian,  Gizmo, who introduced me to the feline world and then I had the Sacred Birman Dior (both still live with me) with whom I learned about expo and felinology.

I therefore decided to get a third cat and I chose the Siamese breed after seeing them casually (I didn't know the breed) and falling in love with them.


Demino, a blue point Siamese then entered my life. What can I say? With Demino I discovered the Siamese and it was a deep and visceral love, both for his affectionate character and strongly inclination toward human people and for his so peculiar appearance, elegant and "strange" by common standards.


You either love or hate a Siamese and I fell in love with them so much that I decided to breed them.

In 2021 I obtained the title of Master Feline Breeder sponsored by the Italian National Feline Association and held by the National Association of Italian Veterinary Doctors.  Since 2024, after meeting the necessary requirements, I have also been a member of the FIFé Siamese/Oriental Shorthair Breed Council.


All my cats live with me in the house, as my home is my cattery. They have been accustomed to human contact since they werkittens and are therefore very sociable. I have few subjects and a few litters a year, which are consequently born in an intimate and familiar atmosphere.

If you have read my conditions (visible in the kittens section of this site), and you accept them all, feel free to call me to introduce yourself  and tell me why you would like a Siamese cat so that I can arrange a visit to the cattery.









The Demogorgon (from the ancient Greek δημιουργόν) is a mysterious creature... Conceived by Boccaccio as a semi-divinity, it has recently been proposed as a monstrous creature in the "Stranger things" series: and it is precisely this creature that inspired me for my breeding name. He is in fact a feral being, extreme and monstrous, but at the same time fascinating. And so is the Siamese: at first glance it has a repelling appearance with its extreme and angular lines, with these large pointed ears, the very long muzzle, legs and tail, and almond-shaped eyes. But if you look at them carefully, you cannot help but be attracted by his elegance and peculiarity, as well as by his character made of extremes: extremely lively, curious and very attached to his human being.

Some photos of my cats



Mara R.

Davide is not the usual serial breeder... he is a kind, competent person who really loves his Siamese friends... he raises them with care and a lot of affection... in fact our puppy is very good and has integrated without problems with the other cats in the house. Oh I forgot... our Siamese is beautiful... like all the other kittens I saw at the cattery.

Elena R.
I absolutely recommend! Davide is very kind and caring towards his cats. Raised with care, attention, passion and above all with love.

We received assistance before during and after a month we are still in contact.

We chose two puppies who were inseparable from each other but who after a few days of inclusion became one with the entire family.

They ask for cuddles and attention, games and endless caresses... unique and special beings 😻😻

Federica P.

Professionalism and passion, these two words contain my experience with this magnificent kennel. It's been almost a month since Vittoria has been with us, a wonderful, cheerful, lively, affectionate and extremely balanced and receptive puppy. The credit for all this is not due to chance or luck but to Davide, the professionalism and competence with which he raises these splendid Siamese dogs and the passion and care with which he follows them and with which he also follows us who are lucky enough to have one of his puppies . Thank you with all my heart

Federica and Nicola